Apr 9, 2021

Video Number 1 - Debunked

It kind of looks like the moon missions aren't the only thing that NASA has faked*.

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 1


Claim number 1 involves a supposed anomaly with a missing logo on the Columbia tribute plaque. The pre-flight and surface pictures:

The "missing" JPL sticker is the cause for the noise being generated on the video. The sticker was either removed or fell off in a vacuum environment. A close up view of the area shows clear marks where the sticker was placed.

Clear Smudge where sticker was.

 Claim Number 2 involves a supposed discrepancy with contact during atmospheric entry. I cannot understand how he has failed to notice that in the live video, the narrator is talking about a live signal from ODYSSEY not PHOENIX!

Odyssey is the orbital satellite that relays data from during the landing. Whilst it has no direct radio feed, it still has a radar feed.

Claim Number 3 involves a supposed anomaly with a "missing" screw on the first transmission pictures. 

Image 1: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/phoenix/images/raw/RAC/RS005EFF896662759_11736MDM1.html


Firstly, that is NOT a screw. Pareidolia is the explanation for assuming this. However, when we zoom in to the two images taken at different angles :

Quite clearly when enlarged, the discrepancy is not as big as claimed. Parts of the "object" are clearly there on the second image from the isolated sections. So what is going on here?

Possibilities include simple atmospheric disturbance of the ground from a very gentle gust of wind. The "extra pixels" are just noise on the transmission. The robotic arm has simply dropped a few grains of surface dust back on that area - White points out it hasn't yet been deployed, but possibly the landing would have kicked up soil onto parts of the lander due to the way it touched down. It is clearly not a screw and White makes the absurd claim that "a stagehand" removed the screw between takes! No indentation from the screw or his finger and there are still parts of that area that are identical - it CANNOT have been disturbed by a human hand. 

The other salient point is that these are low resolution robotic arm images, that are meaningless. So why even bother including them without checking? There is no logic to this claim to begin with.

 Claim Number 4 This is the last claim on the video and probably the dumbest. Report 1 shows an image of the robotic arm imprint on the ground, prior to digging. Report 2, 3 days later says digging not yet begun. White idiotically suggests that the report 1 image shows digging when it is clearly just the arm resting on the surface!

Video 1 - HOGWASH.